Publikations and Lectures Dr. Asli Duru
2012 Duru, Asli. “Food and Body” in Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics, edited by Paul B. Thompson and David M. Kaplan. Springer
2007 Duru, A., “Modernization, Urbanization, and the Rise of the Apartments”, International Journal of Social Sciences, 2 (3) pp. 190-196.
Conferences and Workshops
2011 VI. International Conference of Critical Geography (ICCG), Frankfurt, Germany “Urban Food Relations and Livelihoods: Findings from Istanbul”
2011 Gender Inclusive Cities, Field Studio, Uni. Melbourne and McGill Uni, Montreal, Canada
2011 Women’s Worlds 2010 (WW2011) Global Feminist Conference, Ottawa-Gatineau, Canada
“Feminist geography and the dynamics of inclusion, exclusion and place”
2007 2nd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Uni. of Granada, Granada, Spain.“Female Anxieties at Home: Analyses of Residential Change towards Apartmentalization in Turkey”.
2007 “Questioning Boundaries: The Political Economy of Access, Control and Representation”, Graduate Students Conference, Institute of Political Economy, Carleton University Geography Departmental co-organizer