Institut für Empirische Kulturwissenschaften und Europäische Ethnologie

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Volume 01

Ethnologia Balkanica
Journal of Balkan Ethnology
Zeitschrift für Balkanethnologie
Journal d'ethnologie balkanique

Contents Volume 1/1997

Preface - Vorwort - Avant-propos

1. The Danube - A Bridge of Cultural Interchange

  • Cvetena Georgieva, Sofia
    The Danube River
    A Boundary of the Bulgarian Space in the 15th-17th Centuries
  • Klaus Roth, Munich
    Rivers as Bridges - Rivers as Boundaries
    Some Reflections on Intercultural Exchange on the Danube
  • Tatjana Civian-Mihajlova, Moscow
    The Danube - Symbol of the Mythical Road and a Mythological Frontier
  • Dagmar Burkhart, Mannheim
    The River Danube in Balkan Slavic Folksongs
  • Marianne Mesnil, Brussels; Assia Popova, Paris
    Les eaux-delà du Danube
  • Sabina Ispas, Bucharest
    Danube, You Dustless Highway
  • Valentina Vasseva, Sofia
    Adaptation in the Funeral Customs of Resettled Communities
  • Margarita Karamihova, Sofia
    Culture Turning its Back on the Big Water

2. Ethnology of Modernisation and Transformation

  • Milena Benovska-Săbkova, Sofia
    Tradition as a Means of Survival Under the Conditions of Economic Crisis in Bulgaria
  • Clarissa de Waal, Cambridge
    Ground Level Economics in Post-Communist Albania. A Report
  • Christian Giordano, Fribourg; Dobrinka Kostova, Sofia
    Bulgarian Land Reprivatization without Peasants
  • Karl Kraser, Graz
    Family and Kinship in the Balkans. A Declining Socio-Cultural System?
  • Radost Ivanova, Sofia
    Valiant Young Men, Wrestlers, Bodyguards, Thugs ... The Hero in the Bulgarian Daily Press

3. Ethnicity, Identity, and Interethnic Relations

  • Bernard Lory, Paris
    Dangers d'ici-bas, promesses d'au-delà.
    Essai d'anthropologie religieuse des Confins bosniaques au XVII-e siècle
  • Ivan Čolović, Belgrade
    L'espace ethnique et la mort.
    Essai de thanatologie politique
  • Ženja Pimpereva, Sofia
    Traditional and Contemporary Models of Interaction Between Karakachans and Bulgarians
  • Svetla Rakšieva, Sofia
    The Nomadic Aromunians' Ideas of a Territory Under Control

4. Reports

  • Paul Nixon, Cambridge
    Ideology in Balkan Anthropological Research. Conference of the Association for Balkan Anthropology
  • Gheorghiţă Geana, Bucharest
    Notes on Cultural Anthropology in Romania
  • Galaba Palikruševa, Skopje
    The Development of Macedonian Ethnology and Folklore
  • Tea Škokić
    Review of Ethnological Work in Croatia 1990-1995

Addresses of editors and contributor
Instructions to authors