Institut für Empirische Kulturwissenschaften und Europäische Ethnologie

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Volume 11

Region, Regional Identity and Regionalism in Southeastern EuropePart I

Edited by Klaus Roth and Ulf Brunnbauer

Ethnologia Balkanica
Journal for Southeast European Anthropology
Zeitschrift für die Anthropologie Südosteuropas
Journal d’anthropologie du sud-est européen

Volume 11/2007



Regions and Regionalism in Southeast Europe

Klaus Roth, Munich
What’s in a Region? Southeast European Regions Between Globalization, EU-Integration and Marginalization

Christian Giordano, Fribourg
Ethnic versus Cosmopolitan Regionalism? For a Political Anthropology of Local Identity Constructions in a Globalized World-System

Pamela Ballinger, Brunswick
Maine Beyond the “New” Regional Question? Regions, Territoriality, and the Space of Anthropology in Southeastern Europe

Borderlands and Identities

Claire Norton, London
Nationalism and the Re-Invention of Early-Modern Identities in the Ottoman-Habsburg Borderlands

Wolfgang Aschauer, Chemnitz
Ethnizität und grenzüberschreitende ökonomische Beziehungen in der ungarisch-slowakischen Grenzregion

Region, Ethnicity and Religion

Alexander Maxwell, Wellington
Slavic Macedonian Nationalism: From “Regional” to “Ethnic”

Bianca Botea, Lyon
Pratiques de la coexistence en milieu multiethnique transylvain et nouvelles mobilisations régionales

Aleksandra Djurić, Belgrade
The Cross With Four Pillars as the Centre of Religious Gathering: Discussing Micro Regional Identity

Magdalena Lubańska, Warsaw
Narratives About Dissenter Neighbours and Their Place in the Cultural Strategy of Coexistence in the Western Rhodope Region of Bulgaria

Articulations of Belonging

Dimitrije Pešić, Belgrade
Magazines as a Way of Maintaining Regional Intra-Ethnic Communication. The Case of Balkan Jewish Periodicals

Rozita Dimova, Berlin
BalkanBeats Berlin: Producing Cosmopolitanism, Consuming Primitivism

Eli Milošeska, Prilep
Mask Customs and Identity in the Region of Southeast Europe. The Case of Macedonia

European Integration and Regions

Petruţa Teampău, Cluj Napoca, Kristof van Assche, Minnesota
Sulina – The Dying City in a Vital Region. Social Memory and the Nostalgia for the European Future

Dragutin Tošić, Marija Maksin-Mičić, Belgrade
The Problems and Potentials for the Regionalisation of Serbia

Addresses of authors and editors

Instructions to Authors