Institut für Empirische Kulturwissenschaften und Europäische Ethnologie

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Volume 15

Ethnologia Balkanica
Journal for Southeast European Anthropology
Zeitschrift für die Anthropologie Südosteuropas
Journal d’ethnologie du sud-est européen
Volume 15/2011 (published 2012)

Southeast European (Post)Modernities. Part 1: Changing Practices and Patterns of Social Life Edited by Klaus Roth and Jutta Lauth Bacas

More than twenty years of rapid political, economic, social, and cultural change have turned Southeast Europe into a laboratory of transformative processes – processes that have deeply affected the structures of everyday life and that have resulted in a variety of (post-)modern life styles. The contributions by native and foreign researchers to this first of two volumes shed light on the changing practices and patterns of everyday life in Southeast Europe, many of which differ from those in other parts of Europe. The concepts of “multiple modernities” and “post-modernity” appear to be highly appropriate for a region in which – under the combined impact of post-socialist transformation, globalization, and EU integration – everyday life is marked by sharp dichotomies and tensions. Understanding these paths to (post-)modernity is relevant for those interested in the Balkans, as well as for those generally interested in processes of socio-cultural change.



Key Note
Carol Silverman, Eugene OR
Gypsy Music, Hybridity and Appropriation: Balkan Dilemmas of Postmodernity

Changing Spatial Relations and Practices

Goran Janev, Skopje
What Happened to the Macedonian Salad? Ethnocracy in Macedonia

Velislava Petrova, Sofia
Femmes et marché urbain. De l’aventure marchande à la professionnalisation de l’expérience

Irina Stahl, Bucarest
Le café au croisement des deux mondes. Exemple d’une acculturation volontaire dans la ville de Bucarest au XIXe siècle

Anamaria Depner, Augsburg
Aus alt mach Erbe. Der Umgang mit historischer Bausubstanz in Timişoara im Spannungsfeld zwischen postmodernem Liberalismus und normativer Europäisierung

Kornelia Ehrlich, Berlin
Creative City Ljubljana? Europeanization Processes at the “Edge”

Daniela Ranković, Belgrade
New Belgrade Post-War Identity – Sustainable Modern City – Urban Transformation. Remembering in Post-Socialist Discourses

Ana Luleva, Sofia
Collective Memory and Justice Policy. Post-Socialist Discourses on Memory Politics and Memory Culture in Bulgaria

Srđan Radović, Belgrade
History, Memory, and Representations of Jajce’s Heritage – a Biography of a Town Revisited

Anelia Kassabova, Sofia
Kinder mit Behinderungen in der bulgarischen Pressefotografie: Visualisierungen als Strategie zur Aufdeckung oder Vertuschung sozialer Probleme

Ileana Benga, Cluj-Napoca
Bonfires for not Just Any Dead: Alms For the Aborted Children. Remembrance Rites at Sâmedru and Feminine Coping With the Rigours of Tradition in Rural Argeş, Romania

Gender, Family Relations, and Identities

Petruţa Teampău, Cluj
The Romanian Red Body: Gender, Ideology and Propaganda in the Construction of the “New Man”

Sanja Zlatanović, Belgrade
Family in the Post-War Context: The Serbian Community of Southeast Kosovo

Zhenia Pimpireva, Yana Yancheva, Sofia
The Changing Family of Bessarabian Bulgarians in Post-Soviet Space

Marijana Mitrović, Belgrade
Nostalgia and Postmodernity in Post-Yugoslav Feminist Narratives

Adelina Vartolomei, Constanţa
Romanian Women Abroad as Depicted in Cinematography

Costin–Valentin Oancea, Bucharest
Language and (Wo)Men’s Place in 21st Century Romania

Migration and Social Processes

Angeliki Athanasopoulou, Athens
Constructing a Modern and/or Western Identity: the Case of Albania and of Albanian Immigrants in Greece

Simona Bealcovschi, Montreal
The Past in the Present: Romanian Immigration and the Politics of the Self

Mila Maeva, Sofia
Internet and the Bulgarian Emigration to and in Great Britain

Addresses of authors and editors
Instructions to authors


International Association for Southeast European Anthropology (InASEA)

Institut für Volkskunde der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Publikationen

LIT-Verlag, Berlin