Volume 07
Ethnologia Balkanica
Journal for Southeast European Anthropology
Zeitschrift für die Anthropologie Südosteuropas
Journal d’anthropologie du sud-est européen
Contents Volume 7/2003
Southeastern Europe in the Context of ‘Europe’
- Gabriele Wolf, Munich
„Was nicht nützlich ist, ist schädlich.“ Theater und städtische Unterhaltungskultur im bulgarischen Europäisierungsdiskurs (zweite Hälfte 19. Jh.)
- Maria Kaliambou, Thessaloniki/Munich
Fremdes ‚Europa‘: Verlockung und Gefahr. Zur Wahrnehmung ‚Europas‘ in Griechenland in popularen Märchenheften (Ende 19./Anfang 20. Jh.)
- Karin Taylor, Graz
Socialist Orchestration of Youth: The 1968 Sofia Youth Festival and Encounters on the Fringe
- Chris Hann, Halle
Is Balkan Civil Society an Oxymoron? From Königsberg to Sarajevo, via Przemyśl
- Ivaylo Dichev, Sofia
Fluid Belongings? Citizenship During Accession to the European Union
- Evgenija Krăsteva-Blagoeva, Sofia
Who Are We? Types of Collective Identities in Contemporary Bulgaria
- François Ruegg, Fribourg
La citoyenneté au sein de l’Union européenne: un accès à la civilisation?
- Pieter van Abshoven, Alphen aan den Rijn
“As you own, so shall you reap”. Romanians Between the Feudal and Knowledge-Based Economy
- Domna Michail, Thessaloniki
From ‘Locality’ to ‘European Identity’: Shifting Identities among the Pomak Minority in Greece
- Galia Valchinova, Sofia/Paris
Znepole, Western Bulgaria, Between ‘Europe’ and ‘America’. The Changing Visions of the ‘West’ in a Bulgarian Border Town
- Miroslava Malešević, Belgrade
Are there Nations on Planet Reebok? Local vs. Global Identity Among Young Serbs
- Bojan Baskar, Ljubljana
Within or without? Changing Attitudes towards the Balkans in Slovenia
Addresses of editors and authors
Instructions to authors