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Neu erschienen: Ethnologia Balkanica Volume 21

Volume 21/2018 Balkan Life Courses. Part 2: Kinship, Religion and Memory, Mobility and Identities Edited by Klaus Roth and Milena Benovska LIT-Verlag 2019, 350 p., ISSN 1111-0411, ISBN 978-3-643-91093-6 (pb), ISBN 978-3-643-96026-6 (PDF)


Ethnologia Balkanica
Journal for Southeast European Anthropology
Zeitschrift für die Anthropologie Südosteuropas
Journal d’ethnologie du sud-est européen

Volume 21/2018
Balkan Life Courses. Part 2: Kinship, Religion and Memory, Mobility and Identities
Edited by Klaus Roth and Milena Benovska
LIT-Verlag 2019, 350 p., ISSN 1111-0411,
ISBN 978-3-643-91093-6 (pb), ISBN 978-3-643-96026-6 (PDF)

The historical upheavals in Southeast Europe since the early 20th century brought about deep transformations of people‘s life courses. The concept of ʻlife courseʼ enables the understanding of human lives within their socio-cultural and political contexts, stressing people‘s everyday experiences and agency.

The papers in this volume discuss problems such as the impact of migration and mobility on families, such as economic migration transforming traditional structures into individualistic strategies. Other papers give examples of ruptures of life worlds caused by the impact of dramatic historical events. Demonstrating the agency of actors instead of presenting them as passive victims, some authors present approaches that are innovative for the region. Apart from various forms of migration and their impact on life courses, the volume also includes contributions on the role of religion and social memory in the family.

Klaus Roth is professor em. at the Institute for European Ethnology of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich.

Milena Benovska is professor in cultural anthropology at the New Bulgarian University in Sofia.



Family and Kinship

Zlatina Bogdanova, Sofia
Family, Kinship and State in Contemporary Bulgaria: A Study of Social Security after Socialism

Marta Botiková, Bratislava
Social Settings as a Research Objective of Family Studies

Lenka Jakoubková Budilová, Prague
Property Transmission and Household Developmental Cycle: Continuity and Change. The Case of a Czech Village in Bulgaria (1900–1950)

Family, Religion and Memory

Elena Petkova-Antonova, Sofia
How Socialist Emancipation Has Changed Bulgarian Muslim Women

Irina Stahl, Bucharest
The Communist Impact on Religion in Romania

Veneta Yankova, Shumen
Family Memory and Popular Historiography: About the Tatars from Bulgarian Dobrudja

Mobility, Transnational Families, Identities

Vassiliki Chryssanthopoulou, Athens
Adolescent Initiation and Community Regeneration: Celebrating the Epiphany among Greek-Americans in Tarpon Springs, Florida

Sebastian Kurtenbach, Münster
Patterns of Transnational Family Life under the Condition of Poverty. A Case Study from Plovdiv-Stolipinovo

Nacho Dimitrov, Sofia
The Family in the Life-World of Labour Migrants: The Case of the Karakachans in Post-Socialist Bulgaria

Lumnije Kadriu, Prishtina/Vienna
The Transnational Family: Between Preserving the Old and Acquiring a New Way of Life

Ivaylo Markov, Sofia
Family and Mobility: Continuities, Shifts and Generational Dyna¬mics Among the Albanians from the Republic of Macedonia

Desislava Pileva, Sofia
Name and Language as Cultural Markers of (Self-)Identification of Mixed Families’ Offspring

Female Labour Migration

Ana Luleva, Sofia
Just Work? Bulgarian Female Labour Migration to Italy and the Moral Economy of Care

Moyuru Matsumae, Tokyo
Bulgarian Migrant Women and their Life Courses: The Case of Care Workers from Bulgaria to Italy and Greece

Displacement, Family and Gender

Aytek Soner Alpan, San Diego, Gülen Göktürk, Eskişehir
Gendering the Displacement: A Critical Perspective on the Greco-Turkish Experience of War and Displacement (1919–1923)

Arbnora Dushi, Prishtina
Intergenerational Memories of the Border History

Raluca Mateoc, Fribourg
The Deportations of 1949 in the Western Romanian Countryside: Identifications and Recollections at the Edge of Time

Ermela Broci, Tirana
The Displacement of Monuments as a Double Loss: Reactions of Ordinary People and of Heroes’ Families to the Displacement of the Monument “Five Heroes of Vig” in the City of Shkoder

Addresses of Editors and Authors
Instructions to Authors


LIT-Verlag, Berlin