Institut für Empirische Kulturwissenschaften und Europäische Ethnologie

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Contestations of ‘the Social’ – Towards a Movement-based Ethnographic Social (State) Regime Analysis - DFG Emmy Noether-Forschungsgruppe, Laufzeit 2022-2028

Principal Investigator: Dr. Lisa Riedner

Researchers: Tim Herbold, M.A., Valentina Moraru, M.Sc.

This project "Contestations of ‘the Social’ – Towards a Movement-based Ethnographic Social (State) Regime Analysis" sets out to analyze current transformations of social (state) regimes in crises-ridden cities of the Global North. The researchers collaborate closely with multilingual community organizations of precarious workers and unemployed people. By looking at contestations of ‘the social’, the research group aims to contribute conceptually to anthropological and interdisciplinary debates on transformations of the welfare state, the precarization of life and labour, current conjunctures of racism, migration regimes, policy making processes and movement-based research methodologies.

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